The chronological series of mixed media plinths explore dismantling the viewer’s public and private self-presentation, addressing our preoccupation with individuality within identity construction. The pieces explore breaking down the coherently constructed narrative by questioning perceived idiosyncrasies with the idea of the self being a curated notion. Permeating the external barrier and internal self, the constructed narrative plays with transparency, opacity and Expressionist mark making to explore deflection and inner vulnerabilities.
Five chronological plinths in mixed media of concrete, resin, linen hand weave, ink, mixed
media and written word (each H23cm x W6cm x D6cm approx) - £260 each
A lithos, stone, formed with found object, to create a solid form of the inner self. Objects are collected and embedded to form an ossuary to fleeting moments, as if a postcard of an inner thought, experience or part of self.
Prices from £110