I have ginger hair. I am a freelance creative, specialising in community engagement and visual direction. I live in Falmouth, Cornwall, in a beautiful terraced house with lovely friends and lots of tea. I have an olive green chair and wooden chopping boards in the kitchen. I am a Pisces, with a Leo rising and Sagittarius moon.
I work with an art gallery doing creative social groups with lovely people over 65 and wellbeing, as well as little bits of photography on the side for sensory organisations and organic inns. I am an artist and have begun selling work, with concrete and collages. I want to make more films, objects and be supported by residencies and commissions.
My tea is a dark brown, teeny splash of milk. I spend my days organising my calendar and photo albums, having meetings about communities in creative gardens and an intensive therapy programme. I wear olive trousers, navy jackets and wrap linen shirts, with hammered earrings. I have lovely friends who laugh down the Seaview with me and a boyfriend who is a primary school teacher - he likes archives, old films and stones. He makes sure I have daffodils in my Nana's vase.
My dream is to help build a creative community space and become established as a creative artist by exhibiting my own work. One day I will have my own renovated house by the sea, with bathtubs, flowers and a fireplace. I listen to BBC Radio 4 and can see the sea from my crotchet blanket covered sofa. Most nights are spent with a pint of Lightbulb, watching Gogglebox on repeat or dishing up dinners. I can only eat cheese at the moment. Everything is solved with a hug and a cup of tea. I am currently reading 'Pond' by Claire-Louise Bennett, have rebuilt my campercar bed for the summer and can't stop painting all my furniture.
In the next year I'd like to keep having adventures, carve something a bit more stable into my current work, become present and create something new again. I am really happy with where I am and I'm excited to see the future unravel ...